Thursday, March 25, 2010

Close to Crazy?

If Saturday is the closest to crazy I get, I think I'll be ok.
After my last post, Emmaly would still not nap. In fact, I had to rescue her. She opened the bottom drawer of the dresser in her closet (which has nothing in it because she just pulls it all out anyway), climbed up on top of the dresser and, of course, got stuck up there. Then everything was "NO!". She didn't want juice, cheese, yogurt, pretzels or even her favorite, chocolate. "NO! NO! NO!". We finally settled on coloring, so I plunked her in the high-chair with her crayons and book, and went to my room to cry.
Shortly thereafter, my sister sent me a text message from Salt Lake saying something like: "We found the cutest park just down the street. Wish you were here so we could take the girls there!". I cried even harder for a while, and then started texting with my sister who was sharing them with my parents. Pop (my dad), who is an excellent cook, helpfully offered that I could come for dinner, they were having beautifully marbled rib-eye steaks! So I replied something like: "Ya, I'll be right over...". Then I got to thinking, "Why not!". Obviously I wouldn't make it for dinner that night, but maybe the next...?
I hopped on the internet and started googling for plane tickets. Over $600 for one way tickets for Emmy and I the next day! And, I'd have to either pay another $160 to fly from Port Angeles to Seattle, or I'd have to drive and pay for the parking at the airport. Well, that wasn't going to work.
How much would gas cost? I crunched the numbers...if the van gets 17 miles to the gallon, it would take about about 60 gallons to drive the approximately 1,000 miles between here and there. At $3 per gallon, that's $180... Hmm... This was sounding "doable"!
Now, I've done some long distance driving in my life without much of a problem. By myself. According to Google Maps, it will take about 17 hours to drive the 1,000 miles. So, I'd definitely be staying in a hotel one night at least because while I might be able to handle 17 hours of driving with a couple cat naps and leg stretches, I know that won't cut it for a 2.5 year-old and a 9.5 month-old! The prospect of staying in a hotel room with both my girls overnight with no help is not a very pleasant one, but the end result would be seeing my MAMMA! And that's a very powerful motivator at this point.
By then, it was after 2PM. But, that motivation to see mamma is so powerful that I decide there's no time like the present, and get packing! Through all this, I've been repeatedly calling my husband's cell phone because he's sailing somewhere between here and Canada, but not answering. I really wanted to talk to him. I wanted him to know that I wasn't leaving him, I just needed to go see my family and get away from the daily grind of caring for two babies under the age of 3. And I think part of me wanted someone to talk some sense into me at this point. I got everything packed up into the van, strapped the girls in, and headed for the Marina. I scanned the horizon, looking for sails. No luck. Well, he'll just have to settle for a voicemail. One message later, I'm headed out of town.
By 6PM I was half-way to Sequim which is about 20 minutes away. Chris finally calls. A minute and some sense later, I turned around and headed home. After some careful consideration and much discussion, my genius of a husband comes up with a brilliant plan.
My parents will fly up here April 12th and stay for a few weeks, and then they can drive back with the girls and I in time for Grandma's 80th birthday. That will give us the opportunity to take Emmaly to her doctor appointment in Seattle that we've been rescheduling for the last 6 months (yes, I meant REscheduling). Also, we've been in the process of trying to buy a house that we really want, and it is supposed to be back on the open market this week. It would be really hard to be part of the home-buying process from 1,000 miles away!
As I said, if Saturday is the closest to crazy that I get, I think I'll be ok.

1 comment:

  1. wowza, so how crazy is it that thru all that excitement and all of my current road trips, as I read all of this I was just trying to find a way to make a schedules work together...... does that make me crazy? or just desperate? Hugs from vegas ( which is where i am today i think....)
