Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good News for Emmaly!

Our oldest daughter, Emmaly (2 1/2 years), has a congenital limb deficiency. Basically, she was born with a short, malformed femur. We have been taking her to Seattle Children's Hospital to see the Orthopedic specialists there since we moved to Washington. After the first couple appointments, we were disheartened by the prospect of our little princess needing to have surgeries around 5-6 years old. The x-rays indicated that she may need one surgery to correct a shallow hip socket, one to correct the angle of her femural head, and then 1 or more surgeries to lengthen her femur.
Last week, we went again to Children's for more x-rays and consultations. Good news! Emmaly's hip socket appears to be deepening on its own, and the doctor said he thinks it won't be necessary to do that surgery. Also, he said that the angle of her femural head was looking better, so that surgery may not be necessary either! She will still need a minor surgery to correct her "knock knee" which just means her leg is rotated outward a bit. Her current length difference between her two legs is about 1 1/2 inches, and estimated final difference is about 4 inches. So, we shouldn't need to do any surgeries until she's 8 or 9! Hooray!!!
Thanks to everyone for the prayers. They are working!

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