Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Ornament Wreath Tutorial

So, I decided to start with this one since I took pictures as I was making it. Sadly, our external hard drive (where all the pictures are stored) is having some technical difficulties, so all I could find were the ones I had saved in a different location.
Before I continue, I have to give credit where it is due. I did not come up with this idea! My good friend Chelsea told me about this project she was planning to do based on a wreath she had seen some Christmas past at Joann's. Thanks, Chelsea!

I've looked at a couple tutorials available online, and found some interesting ones. Here's a great one by Hazleruthe. And one with some neat embellishments by Elle's New England Kitchen. And yet another cool variation by Sharyn Carlson at Living Artfully. So, I'm just adding my own little twist! The biggest benefit I can see to the way I've done mine is that the ornaments are all the way around, so the front and back are both pretty. Since my front door has a window right smack in the middle, this was a plus for me since I mostly see the back of mine!

By Hazleruthe
Elle's New England Kitchen

Living Arfully

Here's what you need for this project:
1 wire hanger
1 or 2 strands of tinsel garland
About 50-60 medium sized "unbreakable" Christmas ornaments (I bought my "unbreakable" ornaments at our local department store, but I love the idea of recycling old balls from the thrift store)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks

The first thing you'll want to do no matter what kind of ornaments you have is to hot glue the tops on so they won't pop off.

Once your ornaments are ready, you'll need to take apart your wire hanger and shape it into a circle. Use the pliers so you don't hurt your fingers! Also (this isn't in the picture) you'll want to bend the hook into a loop so its less visible and for easier hanging. Remember to leave the "twist" open, because you'll be twisting the hanger back together to close your wreath.

Next, string the balls onto the wire hanger in the order you want them. This can be tricky, so have some patience, and don't worry if you have to take them off and try again!

Once you get the balls on the way you want, you'll have to close the hanger back up. I went through this a couple times because I closed it and it needed another ball or 3, so I opened it back up and added some. No worries, just remember to use your pliers!

Now that your wreath closed up, you'll probably notice there are still some gaps. No problem! Take your tinsel garland, and start winding it around and between the balls "popping" it in the gaps so it stays. There's no right or wrong way, just put it where it looks best to you. You might go around the wreath more than once, and that's fine too.

You're all done! Wasn't that simple? Enjoy!
And, as usual, let me know if I missed something or if anything needs clarifying. I love feedback!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Future Tutorials

I had a couple Christmas project tutorials planned, but didn't have time to get them up here in time for anyone to make use of them this year.
The Not your Ordinary Tutu Tutorial got a great response, and was viewed more than any other post on my blog (not surprising since it IS my first tutorial), soooo... I've decided to make a list of things I have thought of making a tutorial for and ask for input on what anyone would like to see.
Here are a few in no particular order:

Christmas Ornament Wreath

Crochet Snowflakes

Dream Catcher

Multi-Layer Applique or Patch

Bathrobe Without a Pattern

Shirt Sleeve Toddler Hat

T-shirt Toddler Costume

Friday, December 9, 2011

Not Your Ordinary Tutu Tutorial

So, I've been wanting to make tutus for my girls, especially Hannah who is my dancer girl! However, memories of my own tutu are of scratchy tulle things that ripped easily and weren't very comfy (tho they are pretty much in tatters, my mother saved them and I have them now!). So, with that in mind, a love for fantasy, and my recent experiences with belly dancing in its various forms, I came up with my own idea!

Here is my creation:

The "Scarf Skirt" or Not Your Ordinary Tutu!

I bought the blue sheer fabric to use for another project it ended up being not quite right for, and the striped fabric I bought at Goodwill a looooong time ago, and they just seemed to call out to each other!

Two yards of each ended up being enough to make 3, so I have an extra one that is size 4-5. It can be yours for only $20! Or, if you'r the do-it-yourself type, see the tutorial below for making your own super simple scarf skirt!
Make 6 total squares (or scarves) in the size needed and finish the edges (I used my serger, but you could roll hem or just fold and stitch). The math on sizing up or down and figuring out how much fabric you'll need is pretty simple, so I'll leave it to you! :o) You'll also need 18 or 16 inches (again easy to adjust for individual measurements) of 1/4 inch width elastic.
Pick a corner, any corner to start with! Lay two squares together (I did wrong sides together so all the seams would be on the outside). Measure 8 or 6 inches from the corner (A shown above), pin and sew along C (shown above and at right as red lines). Continue measuring, pinning and sewing until you have all 6 together. Complete the "circle" of squares by lining up the last corner and the first corner, measure, pin and sew. The arrows in the picture at right indicate which corners to line up and measure from, red lines indicate approximately where to sew.
Fold each top corner down along B (shown as a green line at left). This should measure about 12 or 10 inches depending on size, but slight variations won't make a big difference. To make the elastic casing, stitch along D as indicated in the picture at left about 1/2 to 3/4 inch from fold, back stitching and breaking at the edges of the "triangle", not sewing through seam C. This may seem wrong, but it is easier than trying to make the "circle" line up perfectly, and makes it easier when threading the elastic.
Thread your elastic through, and stitch about 1/2 inch overlap using a zig-zag stitch to allow for stretch and you're done! See, wasn't that simple?!
I don't have a picture of my girls in them because these are their Christmas presents this year, and I didn't want them to not be surprised!
Enjoy! :o)

Monday, October 17, 2011

 We're having a boy! Baby boy is due March 8.
Anyone have boy stuff they're getting rid of? We've got 2 girls, so any boy stuff would be super!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Name!

I decided to change the name of my blog. The Myth of the Bad Mother was good for a while, but I felt it didn't reflect constancy in my life. Yes, I'm a mother, and that consumes a lot of my time, energy, and time... did I mention time? However, motherhood is only a part of who I truly am.
When I was working, I somehow acquired a nickname that was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I worked with ALL men, and they called me "dragon lady"! So, I turned it around and made it my own and became "Lady Dragon". I even made decals and put it on the tailgate of my truck!
After I married Mr. Wood, and we started our adventures together, we decided to name ourselves "DragonWood" and added the "Unlimited" when we branched out into sharing our many talents with those around us.
Since this blog is ultimately about me, I decided that the name "DragonWood Unlimited" really explains a lot about me; past, present, and my unlimited future!
I hope my family, friends and future friends who visit here will enjoy my insights and talents and feel free to pass it on!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hot Mess Craft Space!

Here is what my craft space looks like right now... Usually there is more equipment, WAY more thread, and tons more STUFF. I still haven't reorganized it from my summer trip to Idaho & Utah. Yes, I take my sewing schlock with me! :oP
What do you think, Becky? Is it a hot enough mess? LOL :oD

Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmaly's Miracle Unfolding

I believe we are witnessing a miracle.

Today we had our third visit to the Pediatric Orthopedist at Seattle Children's Hospital. To the right is her x-ray.

The doctor said Emmaly will NOT need hip surgery, and that he's never seen a child with the same condition NOT need the hip surgery. He also said she may not need the surgery to correct the slight twist in her femur which he was certain she would eventually need when we saw him 1.5 years ago.

Also, last time her leg length discrepancy was 4.4cm (about 1.8 inches). This time it measured at 4.6cm. He noted that if her deficient femur were truly growing slower, it should have been a greater difference in 1.5 years. His optimistic prognosis was that it is POSSIBLE that her deficient femur may catch up to the other one, and she may not need lengthening surgery!

The only surgery he said she was going to definitely need in 3 years or so is an out-patient surgery to correct her "knock knee". He gave us a prescription to have a shoe made with a lift to help her not have to walk on her right toes so much and hopefully reduce the pain she complains of, and sent us away smiling!

Thank you, Heavenly Father for these blessings!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Look, New Outlook

I decided its time to change some things.
My blog has a new look, and I have a new outlook.
A recent trip to visit family and friends out of state gave me a new view on life. It amazes me what some of us settle for in life, what some are willing to put up with in their home, family, and from others. I learned that I'm not doing too bad! I tend to be hard on myself a lot, I get depressed, and that leads to being unproductive (for me).
Without getting into too much detail, my observations over the last month have lead me to some conclusions which have given me my new outlook:
1. I am a GREAT mom! Not perfect, but NOT horrible like I thought.
2. I am a GREAT wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter and friend! Though I don't have the corner on those markets, I wasn't giving myself enough credit before.
3. I am stronger when I depend on my Savior, Jesus Christ. All I can do is NOT enough without Him!
4. I know myself!
I had a discussion with a cousin a few weeks ago. He said, "You don't know me." I replied, "No, but I know myself". We spoke about how many people are afraid to know themselves, so they end up staying the same for most of their life.
Soul searching is something I like to do. Sometimes, I don't like what I find, but the beauty of this process is that once I find what I don't like I CAN CHANGE! Staying stagnant isn't an option for me, and never has been.
With this new outlook, I've started climbing out of the depressed rut I've been in, and I'm changing! May you do the same. <3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Courtesy of my good friend, Becky McFarland at, I have been inspired and motivated yet again! I made a BUNCH of laundry detergent. It is 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup Boraxo, and 1 bar of Fels Naptha. I used my food processor to break down the soap, using the Boraxo and washing soda to help keep it blending nicely. I put it all in an old icecream bucket with a scoop, and VOILA! Here is the link to Becky's page about her experience:
Then I did the math. Using our current detergent I get about 96 loads for about $11 which is about 11.4 cents per load. With the homemade stuff I get 48 loads for about $2.50 which is about 5.2 cents per load. THAT'S A 64% SAVINGS!!!
I'm excited to save money this way especially since the cloth diaper thing didn't last very long--the less I have to deal with poop, the happier I am! Anyway, the clothes and towels I washed with the detergent I made are clean, have a very light scent and it cost me 64% less than it used to. All in all a reason to smile. :o)
Thanks, Becky, for another great idea and helping me get motivated to do it! <3

Friday, January 21, 2011

The American Dream

Since nobody really reads my blog anyway, I figured I might as well put my rant here...
Our little family is struggling, but surviving! My husband's job makes just enough money for us to only be behind a month on a few bills, but with the help of excellent tax payers (like the people who don't read this blog), we are able to have basics like milk, mac & cheese, and the occasional pizza! (And we wonder why we can't lose weight) Seriously, we're on the edge, but my husband would never admit it. The only reason we were able to buy a house last year was through the generous help of my father-in-law providing $ for the down payment. We missed the first-time homebuyers credit by a day (damn title company) which we were going to use to install a ductless heat pump system, so we are stuck with electric baseboard heat which causes our utility bill to be about $300/month. We have a wood stove, but it only heats one room effectively to about 95 degrees whily the rest of the house stays a balmy 50-60 except the girls' room which we try to keep around 67 for nap and bed time. We had my sister and her toddler for 6 weeks this summer as a "guest" who was supposed to find a job etc, but instead doubled our credit card balance and whined about baby sitting while we moved. So, instead of using our tax return to pay for that ductless heating system, that money will go to pay off the credit card (which will then have a happy accident while running with scissors). I am also a compulsive shopper and frequently come home from grocery shopping with extraneous things like new shoes for the daughter that has only one pair that fits, and deodorant for myself. I'd like to get out more, but gas is too expensive to be driving about just to get out, we can't afford to join groups or activities in the community, and my friends are mostly as depressed and/or crazy as I am, so we snowball when we get together... But according to my dad, we're living the American dream... So what do I have to complain about?!