Friday, January 21, 2011

The American Dream

Since nobody really reads my blog anyway, I figured I might as well put my rant here...
Our little family is struggling, but surviving! My husband's job makes just enough money for us to only be behind a month on a few bills, but with the help of excellent tax payers (like the people who don't read this blog), we are able to have basics like milk, mac & cheese, and the occasional pizza! (And we wonder why we can't lose weight) Seriously, we're on the edge, but my husband would never admit it. The only reason we were able to buy a house last year was through the generous help of my father-in-law providing $ for the down payment. We missed the first-time homebuyers credit by a day (damn title company) which we were going to use to install a ductless heat pump system, so we are stuck with electric baseboard heat which causes our utility bill to be about $300/month. We have a wood stove, but it only heats one room effectively to about 95 degrees whily the rest of the house stays a balmy 50-60 except the girls' room which we try to keep around 67 for nap and bed time. We had my sister and her toddler for 6 weeks this summer as a "guest" who was supposed to find a job etc, but instead doubled our credit card balance and whined about baby sitting while we moved. So, instead of using our tax return to pay for that ductless heating system, that money will go to pay off the credit card (which will then have a happy accident while running with scissors). I am also a compulsive shopper and frequently come home from grocery shopping with extraneous things like new shoes for the daughter that has only one pair that fits, and deodorant for myself. I'd like to get out more, but gas is too expensive to be driving about just to get out, we can't afford to join groups or activities in the community, and my friends are mostly as depressed and/or crazy as I am, so we snowball when we get together... But according to my dad, we're living the American dream... So what do I have to complain about?!


  1. Hey, I read your blog! :) Get those rants OUT!!

  2. I read your blog too! Venting is therapeutic, which means I know you weren't really soliciting advice, but maybe a few words could cheer you up and bring a different perspective...

    Owning a home is a pretty big accomplishment, and I know a lot of first-time home buyers that get help from family in order to accomplish that, so be glad and proud of yourselves for owning instead of renting.

    We have yet to own a home ourselves, and I can totally understand and relate to the stress that comes with barely being able to make ends meet.

    You should also pat yourself on the back for the sacrifices being made so that you can be home with the kids, which is really admirable. So, maybe for a few more years (until they are in school) it's going to have to be tight like this. Then once they start school maybe you could pick up some part-time work.

    Also, when I find myself in your shoes (which is all too often), I find a lot of comfort on my knees (in prayer) and have found that counting my blessings and looking at things with an eternal perspective brings me peace of mind. It doesn't pay the bills, but it helps me to accept where we're at and make the best of it.

    Hope this helps a little. Hang in there.

  3. Thanks, Becky! Thanks, Ursala!
    I was trying to take a break from the internet so that I'd spend more time with my girls, and maybe we'd all be happier. The result? I'm actually grumpier and less patient... So... I wrote this rant after my uncle Dave (bless you!) sent an email asking how the family is. I felt better--go figure! So, internet, I'm BACK!
