Thursday, March 11, 2010

From Aunt Ruthann

My Aunt Ruthann has always been a ray of sunshine in my life, and was my support after a very difficult incident with my Grandma when I was a teen. She made me a little sign on a paper plate that said "Don't worry, be Happy!"...and I will always remember that "small" thing.
This is her reply to my email advertising this blog. As always, she has excellent insights.

Dear Sweet Rachael,
WELCOME TO MY WORLD.....My name is Ruthann Depression. Yup, that's me.
My depression began at an early age and continues on and on. It is mainly caused by a mis-connect in my little brain. Sooo, after 3 mental break-ups, (notice break up instead of breakdown, up is more positive. and lots of medications to help?.?.?. I have in the last 12 years discovered that Cod Liver Oil, helps the best. Heard it on a health program and decided to try it. At the time I was on Zoloft, 200mg. and was still in the dumps of life. So I decided to give it a try and I am still taking it everyday, and if I decide to try life without, I can go about a week and then the tears start to flow, soooo. Don't know why it works but it does and well worth it. Just a thought.... Besides depression, I have ADD, and so do all my kids and their kids, and it is jolly good fun, haha, just something we have to learn to live with. Humans all have something in their childhood they wish were different, and we all have to get past that in order to go on with a good happy life. Cannot dwell in something you cannot change and most likely wasn't even your fault. (parents) are usually the culprits and we just have to love them anyway, for they gave us the best gift ever, life.Now the rest is up to us, to be happy or unhappy and find a place to put blame. I have lots of places, but nothing I can do now to change it. Besides all that, I have an inferiority complex as big as the moon and am afraid of people. I am getting better with that, the last few years. Now I am old enough to blame everything on senility....haha jolly good fun that can be, but you are not there yet... A great book to read is YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, by Louise L. Hay. Has great insights that can help. And you are right, in sharing with others it is helpful to you. I have friends come to me with all their problems in life, cause they think I am ok in mine, boy are they wrong. But I am here for them and can listen and I have much life behind me to perhaps give a help....I learned from Grandma Clawson, to make FUN out of everything you do, and sing while you are doing, especially when you are not happy with doing it. So I do and those around me think I am very happy because I am always singing...Well, sometimes I am just that. My mother told me "you make your own happiness" no one else can do it for you. FINE!!!!! So be happy in your life, and remember you have 2 precious little ones to share your happiness with and that will in turn make them happy babies and they will grow up in that happy frame if they have it now. Life isn't always fair, or easy, but if it was where would all the FUN be, in making it so. You are a very talented and beautiful lady, and you have much to give to your little ones. Enjoy the journey and keep a journal as to all the fun "little" things that happen each day. It is great to have when you get to my age and have fun exciting memories to keep you going.... Keep sharing with me and remember I am always here for you. And remember laughter is the greatest medicine in the world. I laugh at just about everything most of the time....
Love Aunt Ruthann (depression)

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