Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Explosions and Implosions

So, I had what Chris describes as an implosion last week. I got so sick of all the useless junk in the way, and was feeling overloaded with responsibility, so I got out the giant Costco box of giant black trash bags and started filling them up with my clothes that I never wear, scarves, my belly dancing stuff (haven't had classes in almost 2 months due to everyone being at belly dance camp, and then our leader being out for back surgery), jewelry, and all the other stuff of mine that's been laying around in the way for months and I don't use it any more. Incidentally, it's all still in trash bags, including my jewelry. I am just overwhelmed by all the stuff we have accumulated, and feeling pressured to try to sell things we don't use/need any more because we need money, but people aren't buying stuff much these days, and I just want the JUNK GONE, and my life simplified! I'd like to load it all up in the truck and take it down to Goodwill and be done with it. I've sorted through a lot of this stuff at least 3 times now, and I'm sick of it! Why do I feel the need to hold on to stuff that just weighs me down? I need some validation that it's ok to just give it away to someone who might need it more than I obviously don't need it! I feel an explosion coming on.

1 comment:

  1. I have those kind of days too. Clutter makes me anxious and crabby! I always feel like my brain works better and I am in a better mood when the house is picked up. Luckily Josh has learned to help clean up without being asked. This may be TMI but...I even have a hard time being intimate with him if our bedroom is messy.
    I say load it up and get rid of it!! If you need some help, let us know. We can bring Josh's truck over and load up the back :)
