Thursday, November 25, 2010

Being Thankful

I have a lot to be thankful for. Especially recently I have successfully gone off the antidepressant I was on for about 3 years, and consequently, I have become more myself. I have accomplished a great many sewing and crafting projects, I have reclaimed my kitchen and laundry areas from the disasterous state they were in, and we finally got both girls to sleep in the same room again last night! Aside from those recent accomplishments, here are the highlights of things I am most thankful for:

I am thankful for the good man that married me and continues to love me despite all the "insanity".

I am thankful for my beautiful daughters who are a constant source of amazement, learning, frustration and growth for me.

I am thankful for good parents and family members in both our Wood/Beachler and Shields/Petersen families that love us unconditionally and support us in many ways.

I am thankful for good friends who have helped me and my family to weather the storms of life by loving us though unconnected by familial ties.

I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, and for His beautiful plan that provided a Savior, Jesus Christ, so that I can repent and be forgiven of my sins.

I am thankful for His restored Gospel, for the knowledge I have of it and the ability to continue to learn about it!

So many things come and go in life, but these things are eternal because these are things I carry with me in my heart. To everyone who reads this, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and make your own list to help you remember. :o) <3

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