Wednesday, December 30, 2009


After years of resisting the temptation to blog, I have given in. I always decided I didn't have enough time. First because of my demanding job, then because I thought it a waste of time while trying to start my family, and lately because I have a two-year-old and a six-month-old that keep me quite busy.
It has only been a few weeks since I started seriously considering starting a blog. Because a few weeks ago, I started seeing a therapist. Something I thought I would NEVER do. However, after looking at my life as objectively as possible and deciding that although I have done many things, motherhood is the one thing that I have the least true experience and training for, and though there is a lot of advice out there on parenting, I can't just google "mom" and learn how to be a "good" one.
After my second daughter was born, I joined a State-run support group for mothers with post partum depression. The group was lead by the lady who is now my therapist, Marian. Having had less than the best experiences with doctors of any kind in my life, I was wary of seeing her, but after getting to know her a little I decided to take the chance, and so far, I have not been dissapointed.
Watching the movie "Julie & Julia" gave me the idea for the composition of my blog, and reading a book borrowed from Marian, "The Myth of the Bad Mother" by Jane Swigart, gave me the idea for the content.
Following the idea from the movie, I'm not intending to advertise my blog to friends or family, nor am I expecting an overwhelming response. However, I look at it as good therapy for myself, and maybe, just maybe, other mothers out there may take comfort and/or come to a greater understanding and appreciation for themselves and their role as a mother.
Hopefully we will all see that though there are exceptions to every rule, in general, there is no such thing as a "bad" mother.

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