Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Tad More Fun

This week has been a tad more fun than the one preceding it. Mama finally succumbed to the nasty illness, followed quickly by a nasty infection, and is doing much better today, but this post may be a bit lacking because the memory of the past week is rather hazy to say the least!
I got my new business cards this week! Yay! I feel more official now. Send me your address & I'll send you a sample of Jamberry Nail wraps on a snazzy business card!

Also, after several days of...umm...oil treatment... on my hair, I had like the BEST hair hour ever & took a few selfies as proof!

Daddy has been working hard & spent the better part of Saturday doing some much needed repair work on the truck. I wish I had taken a picture of him when the job was done. He was about 10 shades darker from elbow to fingers!

Today I finally discovered where Emmaly's looks came from. She looks like my cousin, Julee Snelgrove. The resemblance is amazing. See for yourself!

Julee is currently battling uterine cancer and will not be able to have children of her own. So, Emmaly will carry on a bit of Julee into the future. :) Love you, Cuz!

Hannah has been asked by her ballet instructor to lead her group in the upcoming dance recital! The instuctor also said that Hannah has learned her routine better than even the girls in the class above hers. Go Hannah! We look forward to seeing you on the stage leading the way & shining like the star you are!

Sam, Sam. What to say about Sam... Let's hope he makes it to his next birthday! I swear the girls are out to get him sometimes & with the amount of tumbles & head bonks he gets, it's a wonder he can see straight. Hmm... Maybe he needs his eyes checked.

Bemjamin continues to delight us all with his adorable face and absolute sweetness! He now has 5 teeth and 3 more close to the surface. Poor guy. If only he would remember that Mama is not a chew toy, we might avoid future infections which would make us both much happier. Oh, and he pulls himself up to stand very easily now and is beginning to climb.

And that's what I remember from this week...

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