Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hot Mess Craft Space!

Here is what my craft space looks like right now... Usually there is more equipment, WAY more thread, and tons more STUFF. I still haven't reorganized it from my summer trip to Idaho & Utah. Yes, I take my sewing schlock with me! :oP
What do you think, Becky? Is it a hot enough mess? LOL :oD

Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmaly's Miracle Unfolding

I believe we are witnessing a miracle.

Today we had our third visit to the Pediatric Orthopedist at Seattle Children's Hospital. To the right is her x-ray.

The doctor said Emmaly will NOT need hip surgery, and that he's never seen a child with the same condition NOT need the hip surgery. He also said she may not need the surgery to correct the slight twist in her femur which he was certain she would eventually need when we saw him 1.5 years ago.

Also, last time her leg length discrepancy was 4.4cm (about 1.8 inches). This time it measured at 4.6cm. He noted that if her deficient femur were truly growing slower, it should have been a greater difference in 1.5 years. His optimistic prognosis was that it is POSSIBLE that her deficient femur may catch up to the other one, and she may not need lengthening surgery!

The only surgery he said she was going to definitely need in 3 years or so is an out-patient surgery to correct her "knock knee". He gave us a prescription to have a shoe made with a lift to help her not have to walk on her right toes so much and hopefully reduce the pain she complains of, and sent us away smiling!

Thank you, Heavenly Father for these blessings!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Look, New Outlook

I decided its time to change some things.
My blog has a new look, and I have a new outlook.
A recent trip to visit family and friends out of state gave me a new view on life. It amazes me what some of us settle for in life, what some are willing to put up with in their home, family, and from others. I learned that I'm not doing too bad! I tend to be hard on myself a lot, I get depressed, and that leads to being unproductive (for me).
Without getting into too much detail, my observations over the last month have lead me to some conclusions which have given me my new outlook:
1. I am a GREAT mom! Not perfect, but NOT horrible like I thought.
2. I am a GREAT wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter and friend! Though I don't have the corner on those markets, I wasn't giving myself enough credit before.
3. I am stronger when I depend on my Savior, Jesus Christ. All I can do is NOT enough without Him!
4. I know myself!
I had a discussion with a cousin a few weeks ago. He said, "You don't know me." I replied, "No, but I know myself". We spoke about how many people are afraid to know themselves, so they end up staying the same for most of their life.
Soul searching is something I like to do. Sometimes, I don't like what I find, but the beauty of this process is that once I find what I don't like I CAN CHANGE! Staying stagnant isn't an option for me, and never has been.
With this new outlook, I've started climbing out of the depressed rut I've been in, and I'm changing! May you do the same. <3