Monday, January 11, 2010

I believe in Karma!

Just after the beginning of this year, my purse was stolen. It has never happened to me before, and I had never before understood how deeply personal such a theft is.
I feel violated that someone would take such a personal item. Now, if the money and bank information had been stolen, and my purse left behind, I would have been angry. However, the feelings I have about the reality of this event are more than angry. Of what worth to a thief are my worn denim clutch, used chap-stick, grocery club cards, business cards, pictures of my babies and other personal items?
With all these feelings bubbling around inside me, my one comfort is that I believe in Karma. The kinder gentler side of me argues that perhaps the offender needed money for food, shelter and basic human needs and comforts. The "other" part of me rages and wishes a pox of misfortune upon them. And, somewhere in between, Karma whispers: "All is well. I'll take care of it."
And so, I will take a deep breath, and let her.

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