Thursday, January 14, 2016

Time Flies & All That...

Benjamin turned 1 in October and has been walking since about August! Now he toddles along with the gang like it's nothing! He has most of his teeth (thank heaven, I'm so ready to be done with teething!), so hopefully the restless nights will be behind us soon. He is still sweet & wonderful the rest of the time.

Sam is talking, talking, talking all the time! He has finally discovered that he LIKES to have stories read to him, and that story time is not some device of torture I invented just for him. He will be 4 in about 6 weeks, thankfully his sisters haven't been the end of him yet. Thank you, public school! Heehee... :P

Hannah has lost her first 2 teeth within a few days of each other, and has 2 more that are so loose, it will be any day now for them as well. She is doing so well in school both academically and socially. Hannah loves everyone (at school), and everyone (at school) loves Hannah! She hasn't quite given up on her tantrum phase. Being 6 and throwing oneself on the floor screaming is less charming than absolutely irritating, but we have seen improvement. Hannah had LOTS of ballet lessons during Fall term, and ended the season by performing in The Nutcracker Ballet as a baby mouse!

Emmaly is growing, learning and amazing us continually with her intelligence and maturity beyond her years. In October, she turned 8 and made the decision to become a baptized member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This term, Emmaly will be going swimming once a week to help strengthen her leg and just because she loves to be in the water!

Daddy & Mama continue to be their crazy selves. We finally decided last summer that the time has come for us to find a bigger house for our family. We love our cute little house, but we have definitely out grown it. Decluttering, painting and touch ups around the house have been happening all Fall & Winter. Hopefully, we will be ready to list the house for sale this Spring. Halloween is always a fun time if year for us, but this year's costumes were pretty awesome! Emmaly went as Tinker Bell, Hannah as Queen Elsa, Samuel wanted to be a Minion again & Benjamin was the cutest little shark ever!
Sorry the pictures are all out of order. It's hard to do this from my phone. Hey, daddy, I'm still waiting on that computer I was supposed to get for my birthday last year, and it's coming around again! ;)